Book Cover


His numbers and his rabbits

by Andriy Drozdyuk, Denys Drozdyuk


  • Paperback
  • 130 pages

In our everyday life we mention perhaps only two of the mathematicians that ever lived: Pythagoras in association with his famous theorem, and Fibonacci in association with his famous numbers. The Fibonacci numbers have many fascinating mathematical properties and can be found in the world, surrounding us, in the art and sciences.

In this small book we have tried to compile everything known today about Fibonacci, using as primary sources only the original works. Extracts from Fibonacci's works are provided in the original language as well as in the translation.

It is our hope that this book will be useful to those just starting to get acquainted with Fibonacci, as well as to those, who already know quite a bit about him.

Book Description

PublisherChoven Publishing Corp.
AuthorsAndriy Drozdyuk
Denys Drozdyuk

Book Cover

Logistic curve

Russian version

by Andriy Drozdyuk


  • Paperback
  • 280 pages

The book is dedicated to the logistic curve — one of the family of S-shaped curves. It demonstrates what the logistic curve is and how it can be used for analyzing and modeling development processes of various natures. The history of the logistic curve's emergence is described. Examples are provided of using the curve for modeling growth processes and for assessing losses in population numbers. For a wide range of readers. It may be useful for demographers, historians, economists, students, and teachers.

Book Description

PublisherChoven Publishing Corp.
AuthorsAndriy Drozdyuk